Career Resources
Checklist: Leaving a Job
You will no doubt move through a series of positions in your PA career. Here’s how to make a job transition gracefully with professional bridges intact.
Guide: Where Will You Take Your PA Career?
Starting out as a PA, you have many options available to you. You can head into a clinical or nonclinical role, and even consider independent contracting. Here’s a list of questions you can ask yourself to help determine where your interests lie.

A Day in the Life of a PA in a Medical ICU
Erin Stutz, PA-C, works in pulmonary critical care in the medical ICU at the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC). She shares what her days are like, and why the upcoming Adult Hospital Medicine Boot Camp is worth your time.

From Riding Bulls to Seeing Patients: Former Pro Becomes a PA
Wiley Petersen, PA-C, spent 12 years of his life as a professional bull rider. When it came time for his next career move, he decided to become a PA. Going back to school seemed like an insurmountable challenge, but Petersen persevered.

A Day in the Life of a Critical Care Fellow at URMC
Glenna Regan, PA-C, decided to apply for an APP Fellowship Program in Critical Care Medicine at the University of Rochester Medical Center. She describes her decision to apply for the fellowship and what a day at the medical center looks like.

How to Find Your Voice at the Leadership Table
Looking for ways to ensure that your voice is heard at the leadership table? Alisha T. DeTroye, MMS, PA-C, DFAAPA, director of PA Services at Wake Forest Baptist Health and president-elect of North Carolina Academy of PAs, shares her tips.

PA, Leadership Consultant, Career Expert: Meet Andrea Lowe
Andrea Lowe, MHA, PA-C, has a lot of ideas about raising PA public awareness and increasing career opportunities for PAs. Lowe practiced as a PA in emergency medicine and then transitioned to increasingly visible leadership roles.

Find Your Passion at Any Stage of Your PA Career
Whether you are just starting your PA career, are in mid-practice, or near retirement, be cognizant of what drives and ignites you. By taking inventory, considering new initiatives, and talking to other PAs, you can find your passion.

A Week in the Life of a PA in Orthopaedics
Daniel Acevedo, a PA in orthopaedics at OrthoVirginia in Lynchburg, Virginia, sees a lot in a typical week: five to seven surgeries, hospital consultations, hip fracture clinics, post-op patients, outpatient procedures at an ambulatory surgery center, and more.
Accepted: The Secrets to a Successful PA School Application
In this one-hour webinar, learn what it takes to get into PA school and how to make yourself a more competitive applicant.

Hate the Time Spent on EHRs? You’re Not Alone
Despite the promised efficiency of using EHR systems, more than one in four PAs spend at least two hours per day, outside of office hours, documenting clinical care in their EHR system. Here is the good and bad news about EHRs.

PA Entrepreneur Develops Popular Skincare Line
Kasey Drapeau D’Amato, a PA in dermatology, used her clinical skills to build a skincare business. Read how D’Amato became an entrepreneur and started Airelle Skincare. She also shares her skincare secrets and advice for PAs who want to start a business.
Which PA School is For You? 5 Factors to Consider
With over 200 accredited PA programs throughout the country, how do you decide which one is right for you? Here, five important factors to consider.
The Balancing Act
Having the right work-life balance can reduce stress for medical professionals as well as increase on-the-job focus, resulting in high job satisfaction and career success, healthier patients—and a healthier provider. However, maintaining that balance can be more daunting than ever before for those in healthcare.